# External modules
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
# Local modules
from . import libspline
class Error(Exception):
Format the error message in a box to make it clear this
was a explicitly raised exception.
def __init__(self, message):
msg = "\n+" + "-" * 78 + "+" + "\n" + "| pySpline Error: "
i = 17
for word in message.split():
if len(word) + i + 1 > 78: # Finish line and start new one
msg += " " * (78 - i) + "|\n| " + word + " "
i = 1 + len(word) + 1
msg += word + " "
i += len(word) + 1
msg += " " * (78 - i) + "|\n" + "+" + "-" * 78 + "+" + "\n"
def writeTecplot1D(handle, name, data, solutionTime=None):
"""A Generic function to write a 1D data zone to a tecplot file.
handle : file handle
Open file handle
name : str
Name of the zone to use
data : array of size (N, ndim)
1D array of data to write to file
SolutionTime : float
Solution time to write to the file. This could be a fictitious time to
make visualization easier in tecplot.
nx = data.shape[0]
ndim = data.shape[1]
handle.write('Zone T="%s" I=%d\n' % (name, nx))
if solutionTime is not None:
handle.write("SOLUTIONTIME=%f\n" % (solutionTime))
for i in range(nx):
for idim in range(ndim):
handle.write("%f " % (data[i, idim]))
def writeTecplot2D(handle, name, data, solutionTime=None):
"""A Generic function to write a 2D data zone to a tecplot file.
handle : file handle
Open file handle
name : str
Name of the zone to use
data : 2D np array of size (nx, ny, ndim)
2D array of data to write to file
SolutionTime : float
Solution time to write to the file. This could be a fictitious time to
make visualization easier in tecplot.
nx = data.shape[0]
ny = data.shape[1]
ndim = data.shape[2]
handle.write('Zone T="%s" I=%d J=%d\n' % (name, nx, ny))
if solutionTime is not None:
handle.write("SOLUTIONTIME=%f\n" % (solutionTime))
for j in range(ny):
for i in range(nx):
for idim in range(ndim):
handle.write("%20.16g " % (data[i, j, idim]))
def writeTecplot3D(handle, name, data, solutionTime=None):
"""A Generic function to write a 3D data zone to a tecplot file.
handle : file handle
Open file handle
name : str
Name of the zone to use
data : 3D np array of size (nx, ny, nz, ndim)
3D array of data to write to file
SolutionTime : float
Solution time to write to the file. This could be a fictitious time to
make visualization easier in tecplot.
nx = data.shape[0]
ny = data.shape[1]
nz = data.shape[2]
ndim = data.shape[3]
handle.write('Zone T="%s" I=%d J=%d K=%d\n' % (name, nx, ny, nz))
if solutionTime is not None:
handle.write("SOLUTIONTIME=%f\n" % (solutionTime))
for k in range(nz):
for j in range(ny):
for i in range(nx):
for idim in range(ndim):
handle.write("%f " % (data[i, j, k, idim]))
def _writeHeader(f, ndim):
"""Write tecplot zone header depending on spatial dimension"""
if ndim == 1:
f.write('VARIABLES = "CoordinateX"\n')
elif ndim == 2:
f.write('VARIABLES = "CoordinateX", "CoordinateY"\n')
f.write('VARIABLES = "CoordinateX", "CoordinateY", "CoordinateZ"\n')
def openTecplot(fileName, ndim):
"""A Generic function to open a Tecplot file to write spatial data.
fileName : str
Tecplot filename. Should have a .dat extension.
ndim : int
Number of spatial dimensions. Must be 1, 2 or 3.
f : file handle
Open file handle
f = open(fileName, "w")
_writeHeader(f, ndim)
return f
def closeTecplot(f):
"""Close Tecplot file opened with openTecplot()"""
def _assembleMatrix(data, indices, indptr, shape):
Generic assemble matrix function to create a CSR matrix
data : array
Data values for matrix
indices : int array
CSR type indices
indptr : int array
Row pointer
shape : tuple-like
Actual shape of matrix
M : scipy csr sparse matrix
The assembled matrix
M = sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape)
return M
def trilinearVolume(*args):
"""This is a short-cut function to create a trilinear b-spline
volume. It can be created with ``x`` **OR** with ``xmin`` and
x : array of size (2, 2, 2, 3)
Coordinates of the corners of the box.
xmin : array of size (3)
The extreme lower corner of the box
xmax : array of size (3)
The extreme upper corner of the box. In this case, by
construction, the box will be coordinate axis aligned.
# Local modules
from .pyVolume import Volume
tu = [0, 0, 1, 1]
tv = [0, 0, 1, 1]
tw = [0, 0, 1, 1]
ku = 2
kv = 2
kw = 2
if len(args) == 1:
return Volume(coef=args[0], tu=tu, tv=tv, tw=tw, ku=ku, kv=kv, kw=kw)
elif len(args) == 2:
xmin = np.array(args[0]).astype("d")
xmax = np.array(args[1]).astype("d")
xLow = xmin[0]
xHigh = xmax[0]
yLow = xmin[1]
yHigh = xmax[1]
zLow = xmin[2]
zHigh = xmax[2]
coef = np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 3))
coef[0, 0, 0, :] = [xLow, yLow, zLow]
coef[1, 0, 0, :] = [xHigh, yLow, zLow]
coef[0, 1, 0, :] = [xLow, yHigh, zLow]
coef[1, 1, 0, :] = [xHigh, yHigh, zLow]
coef[0, 0, 1, :] = [xLow, yLow, zHigh]
coef[1, 0, 1, :] = [xHigh, yLow, zHigh]
coef[0, 1, 1, :] = [xLow, yHigh, zHigh]
coef[1, 1, 1, :] = [xHigh, yHigh, zHigh]
return Volume(coef=coef, tu=tu, tv=tv, tw=tw, ku=ku, kv=kv, kw=kw)
raise Error("An unknown number of arguments was passed to trilinear Volume")
def bilinearSurface(*args):
"""This is short-cut function to create a bilinear surface.
Args can contain:
1. ``x`` array of size(4, 3). The four corners of the array
arranged in the coordinate direction orientation::
2 3
| |
| |
| |
0 1
2. ``p1``, ``p2``, ``p3``, ``p4``. Individual corner points in CCW Ordering::
3 2
| |
| |
| |
0 1
# Local modules
from .pySurface import Surface
if len(args) == 1:
# One argument passed in ... assume its X
if len(args[0]) != 4:
raise Error("A single argument passed to bilinear surface must contain 4 points and be of size (4, 3)")
coef = np.zeros((2, 2, 3))
coef[0, 0] = args[0][0]
coef[1, 0] = args[0][1]
coef[0, 1] = args[0][2]
coef[1, 1] = args[0][3]
return Surface(coef=coef, tu=[0, 0, 1, 1], tv=[0, 0, 1, 1], ku=2, kv=2)
# Assume 4 arguments
coef = np.zeros([2, 2, 3])
coef[0, 0] = args[0]
coef[1, 0] = args[1]
coef[0, 1] = args[3]
coef[1, 1] = args[2]
return Surface(coef=coef, tu=[0, 0, 1, 1], tv=[0, 0, 1, 1], ku=2, kv=2)
def line(*args, **kwargs):
"""This is a short cut function to create a line as a pySpline Curve object.
Args can contain: (pick one)
1. ``X`` array of size(2, ndim). The two end points
2. ``x1``, ``x2`` The two end points (each of size ndim)
3. ``x```, dir=direction. A point and a displacement vector
4. ``x1``, dir=direction, length=length. As 3. but with a specific length
# Local modules
from .pyCurve import Curve
if len(args) == 2:
# Its a two-point type
return Curve(coef=[args[0], args[1]], k=2, t=[0, 0, 1, 1])
elif len(args) == 1:
if len(args[0]) == 2: # its X
return Curve(coef=args[0], k=2, t=[0, 0, 1, 1])
elif "dir" in kwargs:
# We have point and direction
if "length" in kwargs:
x2 = args[0] + kwargs["dir"] / np.linalg.norm(kwargs["dir"]) * kwargs["length"]
x2 = args[0] + kwargs["dir"]
return Curve(coef=[args[0], x2], k=2, t=[0, 0, 1, 1])
Error("Error: dir must be specified if only 1 argument is given")
def plane_line(ia, vc, p0, v1, v2):
Check a plane against multiple lines
ia : ndarray[3, n]
initial point
vc : ndarray[3, n]
search vector from initial point
p0 : ndarray[3]
vector to triangle origins
v1 : ndarray[3]
vector along first triangle direction
v2 : ndarray[3]
vector along second triangle direction
sol : ndarray[6, n]
Solution vector - parametric positions + physical coordiantes
nSol : int
Number of solutions
return libspline.plane_line(ia, vc, p0, v1, v2)
def tfi2d(e0, e1, e2, e3):
Perform a simple 2D transfinite interpolation in 3D.
e0 : ndarray[3, Nu]
coordinates along 0th edge
e1 : ndarray[3, Nu]
coordinates along 1st edge
e2 : ndarray[3, Nv]
coordinates along 2nd edge
e3 : ndarray[3, Nv]
coordinates along 3rd edge
X : ndarray[3 x Nu x Nv]
evaluated points
return libspline.tfi2d(e0, e1, e2, e3)
def line_plane(ia, vc, p0, v1, v2):
Check a line against multiple planes.
Solve for the scalars :math:`\alpha, \beta, \gamma` such that
.. math::
i_a + \alpha \times v_c &= p_0 + \beta \times v_1 + \gamma \times v_2 \\
i_a - p_0 &= \begin{bmatrix}-v_c & v_1 & v_2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\alpha\\\beta\\\gamma\end{bmatrix}\\
\alpha &\ge 0: \text{The point lies above the initial point}\\
\alpha &< 0: \text{The point lies below the initial point}
The domain of the triangle is defined by
.. math::
\beta + \gamma = 1
.. math::
0 < \beta, \gamma < 1
ia : ndarray[3]
initial point
vc : ndarray[3]
search vector from initial point
p0 : ndarray[3, n]
vector to triangle origins
v1 : ndarray[3, n]
vector along first triangle direction
v2 : ndarray[3, n]
vector along second triangle direction
sol : real ndarray[6, n]
Solution vector---parametric positions + physical coordinates
pid : int ndarray[n]
Id for a given solution
nSol : int
Number of solutions
return libspline.line_plane(ia, vc, p0, v1, v2)
def searchQuads(pts, conn, searchPts):
This routine searches for the closest point on a set of quads for each searchPt.
An ADT tree is built and used for the search and subsequently destroyed.
pts : ndarray[3, nPts]
points defining the quad elements
conn : ndarray[4, nConn]
local connectivity of the quad elements
searchPts : ndarray[3, nSearchPts]
set of points to search for
faceID : ndarray[nSearchPts]
index of the quad elements, one for each search point
uv : ndarray[2, nSearchPts]
parametric ``u`` and ``v`` weights of the projected point on the closest quad
return libspline.adtprojections.searchquads(pts, conn, searchPts)