- class pyspline.pySurface.Surface(recompute=True, **kwargs)[source]
Create an instance of a b-spline surface. There are two ways to initialize the class
Creation: Create an instance of the Surface class directly by supplying the required information: kwargs MUST contain the following information:
ku, kv, tu, tv, coef
.LMS/Interpolation: Create an instance of the Surface class by using an interpolating spline to given data points or a LMS spline. The following keyword argument information is required:
Spline OrdersX
real array size (Nu, Nv, nDim) of data to fit. ORx
(2D) andy
(2D) for 2D surface interpolationx
(3D) andy
(3D) andz
(3) for 3D surface
real array of size (Nu, Nv). OptionalnCtlu
Specify number of control points. Only for LMS fitting.
- Parameters:
- kuint
Spline order in u
- kvint
Spline order in v
- nCtluint
Number of control points in u
- nCtlvint
Number of control points in v
- coefarray, size (nCtlu, nCtl, nDim)
b-spline coefficient array.
- tuarray, size(nCtlu + ku)
knot array in u
- tvarray, size(nCtlv + kv)
knot array in v
- Xarray, size (Nu, Nv, ndim)
Full data array to fit
- xarray, size (Nu, Nv)
Just x data to fit/interpolate
- yarray, size (Nu, Nv)
Just y data to fit/interpolate
- uarray, size (Nu, Nv)
Explicit u parameters to use. Optional.
- varray, size (Nu, Nv)
Explicit v parameters to use. Optional.
- scaledParamsbool
default is to use u,v for parameterization. If true use u,v as well. If false, use U,V.
- nIterint
Number of Hoscheks parameter corrections to run
The orientation of the nodes, edges and faces is the same as the bottom surface as described in
documentation.- computeData(recompute=False)[source]
Compute discrete data that is used for the Tecplot Visualization as well as the data for doing the brute-force checks
- Parameters:
- recomputebool
If True, recompute the data even if it has already been computed.
- getBasisPt(u, v, vals, istart, colInd, lIndex)[source]
This function should only be called from pyGeo The purpose is to compute the basis function for a u, v point and add it to pyGeo’s global dPt/dCoef matrix. vals, row_ptr, col_ind is the CSR data and lIndex in the local -> global mapping for this surface
- getBounds()[source]
Determine the extents of the surface
- Returns:
- xMinarray of length 3
Lower corner of the bounding box
- xMaxarray of length 3
Upper corner of the bounding box
- getDerivative(u, v)[source]
Evaluate the first derivatives of the spline surface
- Parameters:
- ufloat
Parametric u value
- vfloat
Parametric v value
- Returns:
- derivarray size (2,3)
Spline derivative evaluation at u,vall points u,v. Shape depend on the input.
- getOrigValueCorner(corner)[source]
Return the original data for he spline at the corner if it exists
- Parameters:
- cornerint
Corner index 0<=corner<=3
- Returns:
- valuefloat
Original value at corner
- getOrigValuesEdge(edge)[source]
Return the endpoints and the mid-point value for a given edge.
- Parameters:
- edgeint
Edge index 0<=edge<=3
- Returns:
- startValuearray size nDim
Original value at start of edge
- midValuearray size nDim
Original value at mid point of edge
- endValuearray size nDim
Original value at end of edge.
- getSecondDerivative(u, v)[source]
Evaluate the second derivatives of the spline surface
- deriv = [ (d^2)/(du^2) (d^2)/(dudv) ]
[ (d^2)/(dudv) (d^2)/(dv^2) ]
- Parameters:
- ufloat
Parametric u value
- vfloat
Parametric v value
- Returns:
- derivarray size (2,2,3)
Spline derivative evaluation at u,vall points u,v. Shape depend on the input.
- getValue(u, v)[source]
Evaluate the spline surface at parametric positions u,v. This is the main function for spline evaluation.
- Parameters:
- ufloat, array or matrix (rank 0, 1, or 2)
Parametric u values
- vfloat, array or matrix (rank 0, 1, or 2)
Parametric v values
- Returns:
- valuesvaries
Spline evaluation at all points u,v. Shape depend on the input. If u,v are scalars, values is array of size nDim. If u,v are a 1D list, return is (N,nDim) etc.
- getValueCorner(corner)[source]
Evaluate the spline spline at one of the four corners
- Parameters:
- cornerint
Corner index 0<=corner<=3
- Returns:
- valuefloat
Spline evaluated at corner
- getValueEdge(edge, s)[source]
Evaluate the spline at parametric distance s along edge ‘edge’
- Parameters:
- edgeint
Edge index 0<=edge<=3
- sfloat or array
Parameter values to evaluate
- Returns:
- valuesarray size (nDim) or array of size (N,nDim)
Requested spline evaluated values
- insertKnot(direction, s, r)[source]
Insert a knot into the surface along either u or v.
- Parameters:
- directionstr
Parameteric direction to insert. Either ‘u’ or ‘v’.
- sfloat
Parametric position along ‘direction’ to insert
- rint
Desired number of times to insert.
- Returns:
- rint
The actual number of times the knot was inserted.
- projectCurve(inCurve, nIter=25, eps=1e-10, **kwargs)[source]
Find the minimum distance between this surface (self) and a curve (inCurve).
- Parameters:
- inCurvepySpline.curve object
Curve to use
- nIterint
Maximum number of Newton iterations to perform.
- epsfloat
Desired parameter tolerance.
- sfloat
Initial solution guess for curve
- ufloat
Initial solution guess for parametric u position
- vfloat
Initial solution guess for parametric v position
- Returns:
- ufloat
Surface parameter u yielding min distance to point x0
- ufloat
Surface parameter v yielding min distance to point x0
- sfloat
Parametric position on curve yielding min distance to point x0
- Dfloat
Minimum distance between this surface and curve. is equivalent to ||surface(u,v) - curve(s)||_2.
- projectPoint(x0, nIter=25, eps=1e-10, **kwargs)[source]
Perform a point inversion algorithm. Attempt to find the closest parameter values (u,v) to the given points x0.
- Parameters:
- x0array
A point or list of points in nDim space for which the minimum distance to the curve is sought.
- nIterint
Maximum number of Newton iterations to perform.
- epsfloat
Desired parameter tolerance.
- ufloat or array of length x0
Optional initial guess for u parameter
- vfloat or array of length x0
Optional initial guess for v parameter
- Returns:
- ufloat or array
Solution to the point inversion. u are the u-parametric locations yielding the minimum distance to points x0
- vfloat or array
Solution to the point inversion. v are the v-parametric locations yielding the minimum distance to points x0
- Dfloat or array
Physical distances between the points and the curve. This is simply ||surface(u,v) - X0||_2.
- splitSurface(direction, s)[source]
Split surface into two surfaces at parametric location s
- Parameters:
- directionstr
Parameteric direction along which to split. Either ‘u’ or ‘v’.
- sfloat
Parametric position along ‘direction’ to split
- Returns:
- surf1pySpline.surface
Lower part of the surface
- surf2pySpline.surface
Upper part of the surface
- windowSurface(uvLow, uvHigh)[source]
Create a surface that is windowed by the rectangular parametric range defined by uvLow and uvHigh.
- Parameters:
- uvLowlist or array of length 2
(u,v) coordinates at the bottom left corner of the parameteric box
- uvHighlist or array of length 2
(u,v) coordinates at the top left corner of the parameteric box
- Returns:
- surfpySpline.surface
A new surface defined only on the interior of uvLow -> uvHigh
- writeIGES_directory(handle, Dcount, Pcount)[source]
Write the IGES file header information (Directory Entry Section) for this surface
- writeIGES_parameters(handle, Pcount, counter)[source]
Write the IGES parameter information for this surface
- writeTecplot(fileName, surf=True, coef=True, orig=True, directions=False)[source]
Write the surface to a tecplot .dat file
- Parameters:
- fileNamestr
File name for tecplot file. Should have .dat extension
- surfbool
Flag to write discrete approximation of the actual surface
- coef: bool
Flag to write b-spline coefficients
- origbool
Flag to write original data (used for fitting) if it exists
- directionsbool
Flag to write surface direction visualization